

Yes, I jumped on the band wagon so to speak and got a tumblr account...I've actually had it for a while but had no real idea of what it was for....I'm using it as a place to share pretty photos...my page says "things I like, and you may like too" and I think that is exactly the direction I'd like to take. I may also be including outfit post pictures once the weather actually turns nice...which of course it is today..because I have nothing to photograph..typical pacific northwest weather. Yesterday it snowed and last night it was soooo icy and today the sun is shining and the sky is bright blue.
I DID wear that wonderful knit dress from my shop on Sunday...I decided to pull it...at least for a little. I enjoy wearing it and my hubs said I was "lookin' good" so BONUS..hehe. I wore it with a necklace I intended on selling (oops) and a pair of bright pink nine west flats like these and these...I LOVE them. I have 2 pairs in 2 colors and when i find them in my size I buy every pair I find...since i have two, you can tell how well that is going. But yes, I thought since I've been such a slacker I would let you all know I HAVE been doing something...just not anything that interesting.
Also, I suck at tumblr...so if you could help me snaz it up...i have no idea what i'm doing..i don't even know how to add a link to my page...oh wait...i think i just figured it out. LOL well anyway...maybe follow me..you'll get to see things I like...and you may like too :)

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